Upper Endoscopy

Upper Endoscopy

Upper endoscopy is an endoscopic procedure which allows for video evaluation of the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small bowel. In order to prepare for this procedure, the patient must limit solid foods for at least 8 hours, and stop drinking clear liquids 4 hours before the procedure. During Upper Endoscopy, the doctor may perform biopsy, dilation, cautery, clip placement, or other maneuvers through the scope which may be required by the condition or findings.

These procedures are performed by the doctor at an endoscopy center or the hospital, not in the office. The location of the procedure would be determined during your office visit.

Endoscopy can be uncomfortable, therefore patients are sedated during the procedure by medications given through an IV. This type of sedation is called conscious sedation, and usually the sedated patient does not remember much of the procedure. Patients breath on their own during conscious sedation. (In case you are wondering, “conscious sedation” is NOT “general sedation” which requires a person to be intubated, a ventilator for breathing, is only done in the hospital, and is rarely used for endoscopy.)

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Your Primary Care Provider (PCP) may also make a referral.